Factors to Consider When Choosing an Excellent Classic Rock Concept Album
We all love to be entertained. The entertainment industry entails a lot, which which cannot discuss now. Different people will love to get entertained in different ways. There are those who would love to listen to music and there are those would love to watch movies. The form of entertainment an individual chooses depends on an individual. Music being one form of entertainment has been loved by many people. There are different genres of music in the market. Just to mention a few, we have country music, hip hop kind of music and classic rock concept kind of music. When you want to unwind especially after a busy day, you need to select the best classic rock concept album. It is not as easy as it sounds; hence the need to look into a few factors. In this article, we shall discuss factors one needs to consider before choosing the best classic rock concept album.
One thing you need to look into before you settle for a classic rock concept album is its history. Ensure you research the background of the album to know where it came from. It is a common assumption that the length of the release is determined by technology. It may be a surprise but different technologies such as the 45-minute LP is actually guided by music to some extent, contrary to what many people believe. Over the years, music has evolved. Artists have also come up with new ideas to fill up CDs to maximum capacity. Just recently, the length of a CD was determined by Beethoven’s Symphony No 9. It comes out clearly that such information is not easily available. Therefore, dedicate enough time to research the history of an album so you can be sure to make the right choice.
Then there is the aspect of theme. The theme consists of what other people would consider loose threads that help the concept to hang together. However, the threads should be specific to the lyrics or message in the music. Themes vary depending on mostly the time of release. For example, hit songs in mid 90s had a quite different theme from the current ones. Every person had a favourite theme. You just have to identify what pricks your heart and provides that thrilling entertainment. On the other hand, you should not forget about the cover/color of the album. Sometimes artwork and packaging delivers therapeutic feeling, something not even in the music. Again, this depends on your taste and pretence but the truth is that it matters when selecting a classic rock concept album.
Finally, consider how it all hangs together. Perhaps the theme and actual music may not harmonize into one thing. By the way, as much as the theme affects your choice, what happens to albums without attractive covers or themes? The ultimate goal is to enjoy classic rock concept music. Going by the discussion above, your choice of the best album will greatly depend on the taste of the listener. Regardless, it can be a daunting task, especially if you have never been keen on such details.